The Zeti Zapper was a device created by Miles "Tails" Prower in his lab, along with the Zeti Launcher to address the problems of the Zeti. The device was reverse engineered from the Chaos Emerald Siphon used by Zavok and his Zeti, which was taken from the devices used to direct the Chaos Emeralds' power to the Faceship. Unlike its predecessor's empowering ability, these devices neutralize the Zeti's magnetic powers.
Zeti Hunt[]
At some time after hearing about the resurging threat of the Zeti, Tails went to work in his lab in Central City in order to develop something to help in the fight against them. During a video meeting with the Chaotix and the Restoration leader, Jewel, Tails showed them what he had worked on. He presented them with the Zeti Zapper along with the Zeti Launcher for the end goal of being able to send the Zeti back to their home on Lost Hex.
When the Deadly Six attacked Restoration HQ, Sonic fought against the Zeti and kept them distracted whilst Tails finished work on the Zeti Zappers. Once they were ready, Sonic attached the devices to each of the Six, disabling their EM-abilities and giving the Restoration the opportunity to restrain them. The defeated Zeti were then escorted to the Zeti Launcher which carried them back to Lost Hex.
Battle for the Empire[]
When Dr. Starline invaded Eggperial City, he sent out a signal from the city's central tower that brought all Badniks around the world under his control. Even Belle the Tinkerer was affected by this signal and attempted to leave Tails' workshop and make her way to the city. When Sonic tried to stop her, she attacked him. Tails grabbed a leftover Zeti Zapper from his workbench and attached it to Belle, briefly shutting her down. When she came back online, she was in control of herself again; Tails had reconfigured the Zeti Zapper to block the incoming signal.
Belle continued to wear the Zeti Zapper while she, Sonic and Tails were in Eggperial City. The device allowed her to maintain her free will and interface with Metal Sonic, who then led her to Dr. Eggman.
The Zeti Zapper appears similar in appearance to the device it is based on. Essentially a circular object with three connecting claws and a round gem in the middle. The difference is that the main component of the item is blue, and the central gem is yellow and sports an icon of Tail's two tails (his motiff).