IDW Sonic Hub
Eggman Upgrades Metal Sonic

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The Warp Topaz was a large gem with a red spiral pattern that had the ability to warp space. It was Dr. Starline's possession on his left glove, until Eggman took it from him when Starline refused to allow its use to destroy the metal virus. After being overloaded from its use of purging the Metal Virus, it became unstable and began to warp in and out of portals. Threatening the reality of the planet, Sonic placed the stone where it came from, rendering it stable again.


Prior history[]

Dr. Starline has claimed that he did some research on the warp topaz over his entire career, before finally acquiring it himself. After its discovery, he began to study and experiment on it, noting that it had the ability to creates portals to teleport to any area. (The Last Minute Pt 3)

Finding Eggman[]

Using his warp topaz, he helped the jailed skunk duo, Rough the Skunk and Tumble, he then hired them to find and give Eggman over to him, promising them that the mad Doctor would create great weapons for them.

Battle for Angel Island[]

Starline used the warp topaz to get to the Final Egg, where he was sucessful in restoring Dr. Eggman's memories back. When Starline showed him the gem, Eggman took no interest in it, saying that he had enough of his "fill of strange new magic stones".


Dr. Starline used his warp topaz to drop a letter into tail's workshop, with the intention of luring Sonic into a battle with Rough and tumble. During that battle, Dr. Starline demonstrated to Eggman the wrap topaz's abilities to create windows to the world. Finding a view of Sonic and Tails vs the skunk brothers, the two doctors watched on. When Rough was ablout to reveal the information about Dr. Eggman to Sonic upon their defeat, Dr. Starline used to Topaz to create a portal that took the skunk duo back to base.

The Last Minute[]

Intent on using the Deadly Six's magnetic properties to restore control of the Metal virus zombots, Dr. Starline used his warp Topaz to open a portal to Lost Hex, in order to talk to their leader, Zavok. Knowing that the Zeti would most likely betray him and Eggman, he used a portal to grab onto the Caphonous Conch, which was kept inside of his repository. Dr. Starline returned to lost Hex again, where the Zeti leader demonstrated his magnetic powers on a leftover Moto bug.

All or Nothing[]

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Starline used the Warp Topaz to summon the Deadly Six, without telling the Doctor.

Eggman and Metal Sonic grabbed Dr. Starline, taking the warp topaz, and threw Starline into a portal that was already created.

900th Adventure[]


  • The Warp Topaz has only appeared in the IDW Sonic series.
  • Dr. Starline viewed the Chaos Emeralds as "chaotic"- as they can be used for different uses according to the person using them.