IDW Sonic Hub
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The Sonic Fan Club were a group of children who were fans of Sonic the Hedgehog.


Sonic Fan Club[]

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One day, the club began their first meeting but the group were arguing about who should be the group's president. They decided to determine the role through winning the race, to determine who is like Sonic.

Annual 2019 Fanclub vs Egg Pawn

The Catalyst[]

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Some time later, the club had a meeting in Spiral Hill Farms. They saw a strange ship that was dumping an unknown liquid by the farm.

Hero Camp[]

The Members of the Fan Club joined Cream the Rabbit in the Hero Camp, that was run by the disguised Orbot and Cubot.

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  • One of the girl members of the fanclub resembles the character Dot from Animaniacs.
  • Another one of the children in the group looks similar to one of Stevonnie's designs from Steven Universe.
  • In TailsTube No. 1 (feat. Sonic), one of their questions is from "Spiral Hill Fan Club" likely referring to the group.