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- For a similar object relating to portals, see Warp Topaz.
Ring (Movie Universe) were golden rings that acted as a means of travel to other worlds. While normally small, when activated it becomes large enough to create as fair size portal inside.
Sonic was able to travel from his original home to Earth via these magical rings. Sonic also used a ring to trap Dr. Robotnik (Movie Universe) on the mushroom planet.
Knuckles has been searching through different worlds via his rings in order to search for Sonic. The mysterious scavengers, true to their name, also travel to different worlds with the rings as well. After Knuckles was knocked down by some tremors, the scavengers, captured Knuckles and took him to Casino Night.
Searching for Sonic, Tails used the rings to travel to Marble Zone, Marble Garden Zone and Sonic’s island.