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Northstar Islands was a set of islands on Sonic's World.



The island was home to a tribe of Sungazer lizards. Trip became a member a guardian of thew island and the islands Black Onyx.

Fang the Hunter[]

After the destruction of the Heavy Wing, Doctor Eggman rehired Fang to help him explore the newly discovered the islands. Fang, who was currently no longer with Bean the Dynamite and Bark the Polar Bear, agreed to the job.

Knuckles’ 30th anniversary[]

Some time after the adventure involved with meeting Trip, Knuckles was guarding the Master emerald on the floating island. While reminiscing about his past adventures, he noticed that his floating island came across the islands. (Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles' 30th Anniversary Special)



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  • The Northstar Islands are based on the locations in the video game Sonic Superstars.