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Eggman Upgrades Metal Sonic

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Metal Sonic is a villainous robot created by Dr. Eggman to rival the skills of Sonic the Hedgehog. When Dr. Eggman disappeared after the Eggman Empire lost its war with the Resistance, Metal Sonic took over as ruler of the Eggman Empire to conquer the world on behalf of his master. However, he was defeated by Sonic and the Resistance and returned to Eggman's side after the doctor's return.



Metal Sonic was created by Dr. Eggman years ago as a means of countering Sonic the Hedgehog. After his first couple of defeats at the hedgehog's hands, Eggman began studying Sonic's abilities in-depth, using all the data he had accumulated from previous battles to program Metal. Built to match and even surpass Sonic's skills and programmed to think like him in order to anticipate his moves, Metal was considered to be Dr. Eggman's masterpiece. In spite of all of his advanced capabilities, Metal still failed to best Sonic. However, Eggman considered Metal to be a work of art rather than just a mere tool and, whether out of practicality or vanity, decided to restore Metal Sonic and continued to upgrade him whenever he saw need of him.

At some point in the past, both Amy and Sonic encountered Metal Sonic before.

After a newly resurrected Heavy King wanted to eliminate Dr. Eggman, while he was sleeping, he was prevented from doing so by Metal Sonic. The Heavy King then use Eggman's computer to override all of Eggmans robots to serve Heavy King and to kick out Eggman. Heavy King then ordered his newly found robotic force to aquire the Chaos emeralds, in order to resurrect his Hard Boiled Heavy squad.

Seasons of Chaos[]

Metal Sonic began looking for the chaos emerald in Spring Hill Zone. Sonic, who along with Tails and Amy were looking for the chaos emeralds as well, was just about to grab the emerald he found on the floor, when the robot snatched it up.

Dr. Eggman's Birthday[]

Metal sonic DEB

Metal Sonic can be seen in a liquid filled tube in one of Dr. Eggman's lab, whilst he was looking for the rest of his badniks.

Attempting to Take Over the Eggman Empire[]

Sonic beats Metal Sonic

Metal Sonic defeated by Sonic.

At some point in the recent past, Metal Sonic transformed into Neo Metal Sonic in an attempt to take over the Eggman Empire. After disguising himself as Eggman, he eventually clashed with Sonic and piloted the Egg Emperor mech. Not only did he lose in this battle, but when he was found out to be a fake, he was defeated by Sonic and his friends and turned back into normal.[1] After this defeat, Eggman repaired Metal Sonic and removed the rebelliousness from his coding. Sonic and Metal Sonic clashed at least once since then. (StH: #1, #7)

Continuing Eggman's Reign for his Sake[]

Eggman Upgrades Metal Sonic

Metal Sonic being upgraded by Eggman.

Eggman decided to upgrade Metal Sonic into his Neo Metal Sonic form once again to be used as his greatest weapon in the final battle during the war between the Eggman Empire and the Resistance, but the upgrade wasn't completed until after Eggman had already lost and went missing. As Neo Metal Sonic was given Eggman's Bio-Data, genius, drive, and vision, he decided that he would use his persona to ensure his reign remained unbroken and then find the doctor so that he could hand the control of the world over to him. (StH: #7)

Approximately a month after the Eggman Empire lost the war, Neo Metal Sonic, under the guise of Dr. Eggman, began directing the wild Badnik hordes into attacking villages across the globe in order to lure Sonic and his allies out and make subtle attempts to eliminate them. Along the way, Neo Metal Sonic discovered that the Master Emerald had been left unguarded, which meant he could accelerate his master plan considerably. (StH: #1, #2, #3, #4)

Neo grabs Sonic

Neo Metal Sonic holding Sonic.

Eventually, Neo Metal Sonic lost track of Sonic and his allies. Regardless, he began making his next move by having the Egg Fleet move into position for an invasion of Angel Island. On his way to join his fleet however, Neo Metal Sonic came across Sonic when the hedgehog invaded his flagship and saw through his Eggman disguise. Neo Metal Sonic subsequently dropped his disguise and indulged Sonic in the events that had transpired as well as his current motives. He then engaged Sonic in battle in the hopes of making him tell him where Eggman was. In the end, Sonic managed to escape Neo Metal Sonic, although that did little to deter the robot, who proceeded with his invasion of Angel Island. After taking over the island and securing the Master Emerald for himself, Neo Metal Sonic patiently awaited Sonic's arrival. (StH: #5, #6, #7, #8)

Eventually, Sonic and company discovered that Neo Metal Sonic had turned Angel Island into a flying fortress, and began a liberation attempt. Soon after, Sonic and Knuckles the Echidna themselves confronted Neo Metal Sonic at the Master Emerald's shrine. In response, Neo used the Master Emerald to turn into Super Neo Metal Sonic and began toying with Sonic and Knuckles until Shadow the Hedgehog arrived and launched a surprise attack on Super Neo Metal Sonic, which reverted him back to Neo Metal Sonic. As he got beaten back by Shadow however, Neo Metal Sonic copied Shadow's biodata. With Sonic and Shadow's biodata and the Master Emerald itself now in hand, Neo Metal Sonic had what he needed to transform into another form. Absorbing his surrounding stronghold, Neo Metal Sonic transformed into Master Overlord. (StH: #9, #10)

Master Overlord did battle with Sonic, Knuckles and Shadow before taking them with him to see him crush their allies on an Egg Fleet battleship. While he was busy dealing with the battleship however; Sonic, Knuckles, and Shadow escaped Master Overlord's grasp and began attacking his body. Sonic's other allies soon after joined the fight and managed to drive Master Overlord towards Angel Island. While he dealt with most of the heroes, Knuckles removed the Master Emerald from Master Overlord's body and brought it back to Angel Island. This transformed Master Overlord back into Metal Sonic, and his offline body landed on Angel Island where it was found by Sonic and Tails. (StH: #11)

The Metal Virus Incident[]

Metal Sonic was eventually taken in by Sonic and Tails, and Tails provided enough repairs on him to bring him online. Metal Sonic, who was chained up, was then awoken upon Sonic's request. Once he saw Sonic, Metal Sonic broke free and tried to attack him, but found himself in too much disrepair to fight. Sonic then offered Metal Sonic a truce and the chance to start a new life since Eggman was no longer around. Metal Sonic rejected Sonic's offer, however, and ran off. Arriving later in the Final Egg, Metal Sonic found Eggman with Dr. Starline, Orbot, Cubot, Rough, and Tumble. At first, Eggman, who had lost his memories and old personality, took pity on Metal Sonic and offered to repair him. After seeing Metal Sonic, though, Eggman remembered his past with him, which caused his memories and old personality to resurface. As Eggman established himself as the dominant one among the group of villains, he went to work repairing Metal Sonic while Dr. Starline brought him up to speed. (StH: #12)

After being repaired, Metal Sonic would later accompany Dr. Starline as the platypus went about emptying out one of Eggman's old bases. While Badniks went about removing supplies and machinery from the Frozen Peak base, Starline and Metal would battle against Sonic and Silver, who had been drawn to the area based on information that Starline had provided to Silver. During the fight, Starline used his Warp Topaz to transport Sonic and Silver to the other side of the mountain, giving him and Metal time to finish their work before the hedgehogs returned. By the time the hedgehogs did make it back, Metal had vanished through a wormhole back to Eggman's lair.

Throughout most of the Metal Virus incident, Metal Sonic remained idle aboard the Faceship as the task of destroying Sonic had been given to the hordes of Zombots now plaguing the world. Wandering the ship, the robot walked into a lab where he viewed video footage of Sonic on a computer screen, including recent footage of Sonic being infected with the virus. Standing over a vat of Metal Virus, Metal dipped his hand in the fluid. As a robot, he could not be affected by the contagion, though this appeared to aggravate him in some way. As Metal pondered, Dr. Starline walked into the room and shooed him out.

After Eggman had lost control of the Zombots and attempts to regain control had failed, Dr. Starline summoned the Deadly Six to the Faceship so that they could use their EM-powers to manage the infection. Outraged that Starline had gone behind his back, Eggman called on Metal Sonic to attack the Zeti, but Zavok used his electromagnetic power to possess Metal. Under Zavok's command, Metal attacked Eggman and Starline, but Starline opened a wormhole to Angel Island that he, Eggman and Metal fell through. Out of range of Zavok's power, Metal came back to his senses.

Forced to team up with Sonic and his friends for the sake of his own survival, Dr. Eggman helped the heroes devise a plan to take back the Chaos Emeralds from the Deadly Six. The plan involved using the Warp Topaz to strike at each Zeti, who had all split up to terrorize different parts of the world. Dr. Starline objected to anyone using the Warp Topaz and prepared to depart, opening up a portal back to his repository. At that moment, Metal Sonic grabbed Starline and took off his glove, giving it and the Warp Topaz to Eggman. Eggman then kicked Starline through the portal which closed behind him.

The plan to ambush the Zeti and recover the Chaos Emeralds was successful and Rouge the Bat accomplished her goal of sabotaging the Faceship. However, Zavok still possessed the last Chaos Emerald and he attacked Angel Island after growing into his giant form, hurling clusters of Zombots onto the island. With his infection catching up with him, Sonic told Metal Sonic to help him reach the giant Zavok so he could grab the Chaos Emerald embedded in the monster's chest. Eggman ordered Metal to help Sonic, and so the robot complied, flying the hedgehog up to level with Zavok's emerald. Working together, Metal, Sonic and Silver managed to take the last emerald from Zavok. Having obtained all seven emeralds, Sonic and Silver achieved their Super forms and defeated Zavok before carrying out their plan to eradicate the Metal Virus.

Super Sonic and Super Silver were successful in stripping the Metal Virus from all infected life across the planet and hurling the infectious mass into the sun, although Sonic had disappeared. In the aftermath of the event, as the heroes were distracted with Sonic's disappearance, Dr. Eggman and his robot lackeys attempted to make a hasty retreat using the Restoration's shuttle. Gemerl spotted Eggman, Orbot and Cubot as they were about to depart, but before he could stop them, Metal Sonic ambushed the Gizoid from behind and impaled him with his claws. He then joined Eggman and his assistants as they made their getaway.

Battle for the Empire[]

Metal Sonic would next be deployed two months following the Metal Virus incident when Dr. Starline and his new minions - Surge and Kitsunami - made an assault on Dr. Eggman's new capital city, Eggperial City. As the two cyborgs ran amok and demolished the city's Badnik forces, Metal engaged them in battle, but soon found himself outmatched by these new opponents. Kit used his hydromancy to suspend Metal in a bubble of water before Surge delivered an electric shock that caused the robot to go offline.

A short time later, Metal's inactive body was discovered by Belle the Tinkerer. With Dr. Starline broadcasting a control signal to all Badniks in the area, Belle used a Zeti Zapper provided by Tails to block the malignant signal while she rebooted Metal. When Metal reactivated, he destroyed a Moto Bug that was attacking Belle, recognising her as Eggman technology. Metal made his way back to the central tower and Belle followed in order to maintain her connection to the Eggnet.

Metal and Belle would soon find Eggman following his mecha battle with Starline, having now beaten and humiliated the platypus. Metal then remained at Eggman's side while the doctor allowed Belle to leave after she had given him a piece of her mind. After Belle reunited with Sonic and Tails, the trio, along with an unconscious Kit, found themselves being chased through the city by a large horde of Badniks. Eggman decided to hold Metal back until the heroes had secured a means of escape; Tails and Belle had secured a shuttle and Sonic ran to join them, but just as he boarded, Metal Sonic tore through the craft and brought it crashing down.

Metal then chased Sonic, Tails, Belle and Kit through the city's Green District, tearing apart whatever obstacles got in his way. While the runaways were able to slow him down, nothing was going to stop him. Metal caught up to them on the outskirts of the city and was about to attack Sonic when Belle stepped between them. At first, it seemed that Belle had reached some kind of understanding with Metal, but the Super Badnik then slapped the puppet-bot aside. Before Metal could strike Sonic, an explosion occurred back in the center of the city. Sonic said that Eggman was likely in danger and that he ought to go running back to his master to save him, which clearly frustrated the robot before he made his retreat.


Matal Sonic Knuckles rebooting

Metal Sonic was created in the image of Sonic the Hedgehog, and is thus mostly built of blue metal. He has a yellow circular depression in his chest with a black center, mirroring the peach skin on Sonic's chest. His head has metal fins resembling Sonic's quills, and a pair of triangular "ears". Metal Sonic has a muzzle, shoulder plates, and upper arms, legs, and fingers made out of silvery metal. His palms are black, while the backs of his hands are square yellow plates. His forearms and lower legs are blue metal like his head and torso, and he has red feet with white stripes designed to resemble Sonic's shoes. He has optic sensors with black sclera and red irises.


Metal Sonic is a ruthless and cold-hearted killing machine. Incredibly intelligent and self-aware for an Eggman robot, Metal Sonic at one point evolved to become an independent, rebellious and power-hungry tyrant willing to betray his own creator. After his defeat however, he was stripped of his rebellious coding, turning him into a more obedient robot. (StH: #7)

Neo transforms

Metal Sonic continues Eggman's reign for his sake.

Nowadays, Metal Sonic is completely devoted to Dr. Eggman and his role of serving the Eggman Empire. His loyalty towards his creator and purpose has proven to be so great that he chose to step up to lead the Eggman Empire and conquer the world in the doctor's stead and likeness after he went missing to insure that Eggman's reign remained unbroken. Should the world become his, he would then faithfully hand the empire over to Dr. Eggman. He has also proven to be very grounded in his beliefs: even when in a position of absolute power within the Eggman Empire, Metal Sonic insists that he is only a servant to the Eggman Empire, and that the only one fit to rule it is Eggman himself. (StH: #7)

Metal Sonic also has an unhealthy obsession with his organic template, Sonic the Hedgehog. Referring to the real Sonic as his "double" and "loathsome copy", Metal Sonic believes himself to be the real Sonic in a sense; after seemingly killing Sonic, Metal Sonic proclaimed that he was the "one, true Sonic". (StH: #7)

In comparison to Dr. Eggman, Metal Sonic is much more subtle in his tactics. Rather than stepping up to claim responsibility whenever he commits something malicious, Metal Sonic tends to operate in the shadows or in a disguise. He is similarly not one to prattle loudly about his master plans before they are carried out. Metal Sonic also demonstrated a very calm and enduringly patient demeanor during his time ruling the Eggman Empire. This is mainly due to his own arrogance and belief in his supposedly impending victories. He rarely lets his setbacks get to him and he gets no more than mildly annoyed whenever one of his plans does not go as intended. That does not mean he does not possess a temper however, as he has been known to have episodes of angry outbursts whenever things do not go as he wants. (StH: #1, #2, #5, #6, #7)


Metal Sonic is an exceptional powerful robot capable of going toe-to-toe with Sonic the Hedgehog and is said to be Dr. Eggman's finest creation. Metal Sonic has a powerful turbine-based propulsion system that he uses in order to keep up with Sonic's super speed as well as achieve high-speed flight in any environment. He also has sharp claws and articulated joints, allowing him to rotate his torso 360 degrees. In addition, he possesses incredible strength as, even in a weakened state, he was strong enough to break metal chains keeping him captive with ease.

Metal Sonic was armed with razor sharp claws. He also had a jetpack.

In addition to his speed, flight and durability, Metal Sonic is also capable of generating an energy barrier around himself to block attacks and demolish any obstacles in his way whilst he is in flight. He can also fire energy blasts out of his torso.


Metal Sonic has undergone some transformations, although some are further transformations that branch off from the one listed below.

Neo Metal Sonic Profile

Neo Metal Sonic

Neo Metal Sonic[]

Main article: Neo Metal Sonic

Through unknown means, Metal Sonic is able to assume an upgraded and more advanced state of himself called Neo Metal Sonic. In this form, Metal Sonic is able to shapeshift, has limitless stamina and enhanced durability, and the ability to fly. He is also able to copy the bio-data of others, allowing him to gain other people's abilities and skills.





Background Information[]

  • Head writer Ian Flynn has revealed on Twitter that Metal Sonic's measurements are the same as those of his game counterpart.
  • It could be speculated that Metal Sonic was needing repairs after the events of Seasons of Chaos, that Silver Sonic took its place in the next story. By the time of the events in Dr. Eggman's Birthday, it was still being repaired and was presumably why its was absent in Heavy King's attack force.

