IDW Sonic Hub
Eggman Upgrades Metal Sonic

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The Eggman Empire is a political body and totalitarian regime ruled by Dr. Eggman that seeks to lay claim to the entire planet.



After the capture and imprisonment of Sonic the Hedgehog. The Eggman Empire rose to power by laying siege to most of the world's cities and terrorizing all those who refuse to surrender or submit to its rule. However, a resistance soon formed to bring down the empire's regime and managed to free Sonic from his incarceration. The Eggman Empire then lost much of its territory following sabotage to its major strongholds before Eggman's army confronted the Resistance for a final battle. In the end, Dr. Eggman and a majority of his forces vanished after the destruction of Eggman's mech, leaving the rest of the empire in disarray.

Armed forces and enforcers[]

  • Badniks: Mass produiced robot forces. Often take on different forms.
    • Super Badniks: More formidable badniks. Some are big such as Egg Hammers to the Giant Death Egg Robots and Death Crabs.
    • Quasi-Badniks:
  • Shadow Androids
  • Freeland operatives

Fleets and Cruisers[]





Background Information[]

