Cubot is a robot built by Dr. Eggman and one of the Doctor's aide robots.
After Dr. Eggman disappeared following the war between the Resistance and the Eggman Empire, Cubot welcomed Neo Metal Sonic as the new head of the Eggman Empire until further notice. (StH: #7)

Cubot and Orbot discovered by the Chaotix.
At some point after Dr. Eggman disappeared, Cubot and Orbot were later discovered in Eggman's last known lab by the Chaotix, who were tracking Eggman. Although the two robots were cooperative when the Chaotix interrogated them, they knew nothing about Eggman's whereabouts. (StH: #5)

Cubot behind Orbot, who is speaking with Neo Metal Sonic.
In a secret base, Cubot and Orbot met up with Neo Metal Sonic, who was currently controlling the Badnik hordes. There, Orbot revealed in his report that Sonic the Hedgehog was heading towards Rough and Tumble, two skunks who terrified Cubot. (StH: #2)
Some time after, Cubot was cleaning up the base when Neo Metal Sonic decided to move onto the next phase of his plan. (StH: #6)
Eggman's return[]
While Neo Metal Sonic was battling the Resistance on Angel Island, Dr. Starline had arranged the kidnapping of Mr. Tinker, Eggman's current persona while suffering from amnesia since his last defeat at Sonic's hands. Orbot and Cubot joined Starline at the Final Egg, assisting the doctor as he worked to restore Eggman's true personality. Mr. Tinker empathized with the robot lackeys after hearing about how poorly Eggman had treated them, making Orbot wonder whether he really wanted his old boss back.
After being defeated by the Resistance and subsequently released from captivity by Sonic, Metal Sonic arrived at the Final Egg in a damaged state. When Mr. Tinker inspected the damage, he suddenly reverted back to Eggman, which Orbot was somewhat displeased about. With his true personality restored, Dr. Eggman immediately got back to work planning to take over the world, bringing up a computer file on one of his incomplete projects: the Metal Virus. Orbot and Cubot expressed concern and dread over the idea of Eggman unleashing the virus on the world.
The Metal Virus Crisis[]
When Dr. Eggman initiated his plan to spread the Metal Virus across the world, Orbot and Cubot were assigned to man the Faceship, piloting the vessel and overseeing the production of the virus. As time went on and more of the population succumbed to infection, the Zombots became unresponsive to Eggman's commands due to random mutations in the virus' code. Dr. Starline expressed concern over the Metal Virus becoming uncontrollable, but Eggman brushed him off and stated he would find a way to fix the issue later.
Worried by Eggman's lack of concern over the deteriorating situation, Dr. Starline would resort to recruiting the Deadly Six, which ultimately resulted in the Zeti's takeover of the Faceship. When Zavok and his pack took over the Faceship, Eggman, Starline and Metal Sonic escaped through a Warp Topaz portal. Orbot and Cubot immediately greeted Zavok and offered their services to the Zeti, though this was merely a ploy to stop Zavok from outright controlling them with his electromagnetic powers. Zavok believed that Orbot and Cubot had chosen to follow him, but they were secretly working with Rouge the Bat - who had infiltrated the ship following the fall of Central City - to monitor the Zeti and sabotage the vessel.
While Dr. Eggman was working alongside Sonic and the surviving Restoration members on securing the Chaos Emeralds from each of the Zeti, Orbot, Cubot and Rouge went about sabotaging the Faceship as Zavok set course for Angel Island. As the ship arrived in the island's airspace, the machines producing the Metal Virus exploded. While Zavok was distracted, Rouge took the Chaos Emerald installed in the command chair, causing the ship to power down and crash.
As Zavok fought against the heroes on Angel Island, Orbot and Cubot evacuated from the Faceship. Making their way onto the island, the duo found the severed head of E-123 Omega and took whilst the heroes were distracted. After Zavok had been defeated and the Metal Virus was eradicated, they reconvened with Dr. Eggman as he was repairing a Restoration shuttle in order to escape while the heroes were celebrating their victory. The two robot lackeys were discovered by Gemerl, but before he could do anything with them, he was ambushed by Metal Sonic and critically damaged, giving Eggman and his cronies the chance to escape.
Test Run[]
Some time later, Orbot and Cubot were assigned to oversee a new facility where Dr. Eggman would test new Badnik designs and battle strategies. There, the two aide robots would monitor all activity in the test chambers and gather data. When Sonic, Tails and Amy Rose infiltrated the facility, they sent several Quasi-Badniks after the trio. Not long after, Tangle the Lemur and Belle the Tinkerer also entered the tower where they ambushed the duo and tied them up.
While restrained, Orbot was tricked by Tangle into revealing the location of Sonic, Tails and Amy. While embarrassed to have been made fools of, the two robots were more curious about Belle, recognizing her as mechanical but unsure of her origin. The robots conversed with each other, asking about Belle's nature and Belle asking what they did for Eggman. At that point, Eggman contacted his lackeys via their PDA device and Belle responded, at which point the truth about Belle was revealed.
After Eggman's transmission was terminated, Belle noticed that the strange gateway that Tangle had vanished through to find Sonic's group was starting to crackle. Orbot stated that the portal was malfunctioning since Tangle's tail was inside it, since she had been using her tail as a tether so she could pull herself back out of the test chamber. A feedback loop had started to build which threatened to implode the entire facility. Tangle soon emerged from the gate accompanied by Sonic, Amy and Tails, and the group made their escape, carrying Orbot and Cubot with them. They reached the Tornado and took off just before the tower imploded.
Rather than take Orbot and Cubot prisoner, the heroes decided to let the robots go. Orbot was delighted by this as their situation provided an excuse for he and Cubot to take a "sabbatical" from their service to Eggman, and so the two robo-lackeys folded into their base forms and jumped from the plane and into the ocean.
Hero Camp[]

During their unscheduled vacation, Orbot and Cubot decided to open up what they called a "Hero Camp". They invited several children who were known to associate with Sonic, including Cream the Rabbit, to take part in the camp. Disguising themselves (poorly) as camp counselors, the two robots' planned to trick the kids into revealing sensitive information that Eggman could later use against Sonic and the Restoration. Their plan backfired spectacularly as the children seemed to know more about camping and survival than they did. When the dim-witted duo revealed that they didn't know what s'mores were, the children realised that they were being tricked and attacked the two, tying them up.
Battle for the Empire[]
After the failure of their Hero Camp caper, Orbot and Cubot would eventually return to Dr. Eggman's side, arriving at Eggperial City just as it was coming under attack by Dr. Starline and his two new creations, Surge and Kitsunami. While monitoring the battle between the duo and the city's Badnik forces, Orbot at first believed that it was Sonic and Tails who were attacking since Starline's new minions possessed similar abilities.

Dr. Starline would soon hack into Eggman's computers and upload a viral program that brought all Badniks around the planet under his control. Orbot and Cubot were also affected by this program and attacked Eggman. However, lacking any offensive ability, the two were easily shoved aside by their creator who then escaped through a chute beneath his chair. Starline then entered the central tower where Orbot and Cubot greeted him.
Starline's victory was not to be, however, as Dr. Eggman had escaped to a garage where several of his past mechs were being restored. He had launched the Egg Emperor and attacked the tower, causing Starline to flee. The platypus would make his own way to the garage where he would commandeer the Super Eggrobo, using it to battle against his idol. The fight between the doctors was epic, but Eggman delivered a humiliating defeat to Starline. After the battle, Eggman returned to the tower where he regained control of his forces.
Cubot is a diminutive robot, but slightly taller than Orbot. He has a black square head with a flatten, yet wider yellow square cap on top and a larger black square on the bottom, the latter which resembles a jaw. His jaw can separate from his head to reveal a light blue cover resembling a mouth. He also has two grey-framed and pupil-less light blue eyes. His chest consists of a smaller yellow cube and he has yellow gloves for hands. His arms and back consist each of two thin grey bars that are joined by a black and yellow ball joint. His lower body is a black open cube with a grey inside and a ball joint connecting it to his back.
Unlike many of Eggman's robots, Orbot is not a mindless drone. Described as a "dumb bot", Cubot is not especially bright. As such, he tends to do rather dim-witted things, like getting easily rattled by terrifying subjects or playing with an enemy.
Cubot does not possess any abilities aside from levitating and possessing intelligence. He aids Dr. Eggman in his plans. He also has skills in cleaning. He has the ability to retract his body into a travel sized cube.
Dr. Eggman[]
Dr. Eggman is Cubot's boss and creator.
- Chaotix Detective Agency
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Deadly Six
- E-123 Omega
- Gemerl
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Tangle the Lemur
Background Information[]
- Head writer Ian Flynn has revealed on Twitter that Cubot's measurements are the same as those of his game counterpart.
- According to the Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia, Cubot's production number is "ID-107". This designation is actually a "l33t-speak" spelling of the word "idiot" and a clear reference to Cubot's stupidity.