IDW Sonic Hub
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Eggman Upgrades Metal Sonic

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Central City is a city in Sonic's world.

It was also the location for Tails' Lab which was constructed in the form of the fox's head. (StH: #21)



At some point in history, Tails had set up his lab in central City.

The Last Minute[]

Tail's planned to go to his lab in central city in order to collect the data from Sonic's speed and use his computer there to formulate a cure for the metal virus.

Much to Tail's dismay, he arrived in time to see Dr. Eggman's ship dump his metal virus on the city.

Imposter Syndrome and Trial by Fire[]

Some time after the metal virus event had passed, the people of the city went on with their everytday lives, considering it a long distant memory. Observing them, Surge was puzzled about the citizens looking happy after the effects of the metal virus and zombots.

When Vector and Espio went to pick up Charmy Bee from Nite the Owl, who was babysitting him at his radio station, he also gave the Chaotix an information about odd happenings going on in Central City. The Chaotix went to the Beat Monster car and headed to the city.

Points of Interest[]

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