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The Bashōsen was a type of handheld war-fan that was capable of producing gusts of whirlwinds when swung. It was weapon used by Jet the Hawk, which he sometimes sometimes used two of them at the same time. The handles were made of banana leaf fronds and decorated with green feathers.


Raid on the Mineral Museum[]

Bansho fan

When the Babylon Rogues began a daylight hit and run heist on the Mineral Museum of Spiral Hill Village, Jet used his Bashōsen fan to quickly blow move the precious minerals and jewels into his sack. (Annual 2019: Bonds of Friendship)

Fighting Master Zikk[]

Jet wielded twin Bashōsen fans when he and the Babylon Rogues were battling Master Zik. (StH: #28)


  • The Bashōsen is based off the item with the same name in first appeared in Sonic Riders.
  • The fan is also based on the Palm Leaf Fan, which was a fable item in the epic Chinese story, Journey to the West.