IDW Sonic Hub
IDW Sonic Hub
Eggman Upgrades Metal Sonic

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The Babylon Rogues were a trio of birds that were the descendants to the Ancient Babylonians. They consisted of Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow and Storm the Albatross. They specialised in the use of Extreme Gear.


Bonds of Friendship[]

The Babylon Rogues burst into Mineral Museum in Spiral Hill Village with their extreme gears. Taking orders from Jet, the Babylon Rogues grabbed the various gems off the shelves and into their sacks. In the process, Storm the Albatross unintentionally kidnapped Jewel, who looked like a gem when she curled in into a ball. They then quickly rode their gears back up to their nearby blimp. After discussing their successful haul, Storm showed the,m the giant gem he found, only for it to unfurl as Jewel the beetle. A shock Wave panicked that they kidnapped somebody, only for someone else to reply. The figure was tangle, who, along with Whisper catapulted to the blimp via tangles tail.

After Jet proclaimed that in order to get her back, that she has to race them, Wave angrilly exclaimed to Jet that they were not kidnappers. The conversation then developed into a argument between the two birds, with Storm pondering "wouldn't a talkin' gem be worth more?" As wave and jet argued more, Jet suggested that they should throw the intruders out, to which Storm shrugged and threw her out with a second thought.

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All or Nothing[]

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Out of the Blue[]

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  • The Babylon Rogues first debuted in Sonic Riders game.
  • Their debut appearance in the comics marks the first time they are established in the comics' modern Sonic canon.