IDW Sonic Hub

The Asteron is a line of starfish-based Badnik created by Dr. Eggman to serve as part of his robot forces in his efforts to conquer the world.


The Asteron is an automated defence drone created by Dr. Eggman. These star-shaped Badniks act as anti-personnel mines which will remain planted on walls and ceilings within Eggman's bases. When an intruder draws near, or on Eggman's command, the Asterons detach from their resting spots and float towards the enemy. Their main method of attack is to explode and scatter the steel spikes on the end of their limbs in five directions, skewering anyone unfortunate to be caught in their path.



The transformed hard boiled heavy known as Heavy Shinobi was able to generate asterons to use as shurikens.

Escape from the Empire[]

Background Information[]

  • The Asteron was based on the Asteron robot in the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series, first appearing in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 16-bit game.